‘Growing together in a journey of love and faith’

Our Early Years Vision …
In Early Years, we aim to be exceptional in all that we do so every child will flourish in their own unique way. Based on our whole school ethos ‘growing together in a journey of love and faith’, we support and nurture children in their learning, where we celebrate mistakes and praise resilience.

Our Early Years Curriculum
At St Benet’s Primary School, our Early Years curriculum ensures the children gain knowledge and skills in the seven areas of learning (in line with the reformed Statutory Early Years Framework 2021) through a balance of adult lead teaching and child initiated play. Our Early Years practitioners make effective use of Development Matters to support and scaffold children’s personalised curriculums towards the end of year expectations for our Reception. Alongside this, Leaders have created a subject based curriculum that is coherently sequenced and progressional , ensuring that opportunities are still provided to ensure that pupils are ready to start the curriculum in Key Stage 1.


The Early Years Framework

Development Matters